
Running 5 Miles A Day: 7 Benefits and tips on how to get started

Running has a lot of health benefits. But, every runner needs to be careful not to push it too far. If you’re a beginner who’s interested in increasing your running mileage, you might be wondering if running 5 miles a day is okay. Keep reading to learn more about how to complete this daily run the right way.

Always start the 5 mile run at a slow pace and gradually increase your speed as your body embraces the movement. Make sure you give yourself enough time, as many beginners could take over an hour. Ensure you’re breathing properly and maintaining proper form during the run.

Runners start running 5 miles a day

Is Running 5 Miles A Day Good For You?

Running or jogging 5 miles a day is very good for you, as long as your body is ready for the distance. Going the extra distance on your run could have a lot of benefits. Regular physical activity has been known to have positive effects on your physical and mental health.

It’s easier to commit to running 5 miles a day if you’ve already been training. If you exercise on a regular basis and run often, then running 5 miles a day is a very attainable goal. However, if you have a sedentary lifestyle you might not be ready for this run yet.

Running 5 miles is a far distance. You might be wondering if running a longer distance is worth it. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can expect to happen if you run 5 miles a day for 30 days.

Before vs After: What to Expect During Your Daily 5-Mile Run

Are you wondering about the running 5 miles a day transformation? Running is an excellent form of weight management. If you combine daily running and a healthy diet, it’s possible to lose weight and transform your body.

Want to know more about real results from running 5 miles a day for a month before and after? Every runner will have a different experience. However, it is common for people that run 5 miles a day to see noticeable changes after one month.

One runner switched his routine to include 5 miles of running each day. After 30 days, he lost 10 lbs and his body was leaner. He also mentioned that he experienced positive mental health benefits, especially when it came to managing stress.

How Many Calories Will I Burn?

Running is a very efficient way to burn calories. However, every runner will burn a different amount of calories running this distance. There are several factors that contribute to how many calories a runner burns. This includes:

  • Running speed;
  • Runner’s weight;
  • Runner’s age;
  • Time spent running.

A person who is 200 lbs may spend 1 hour and 20 minutes running at an average speed of 5 mph. They will burn an average of 967 calories. A runner with a higher fitness level who weighs 125 lbs may run for 40 minutes at a speed of 7 mph. They will burn an average of 434 calories. One of the most efficient ways to find out how many calories you could burn is by using a calorie calculator.

Who Should Run 5 Miles A Day?

Running 5 miles everyday has many great benefits. However, this run isn’t right for everyone. Before challenging yourself to a daily 5 miles run, it’s important that your body can handle it. Brand-new runners, people who are prone to injuries, and senior citizens should avoid a daily 5 miles run.

Narrowing down the list of who shouldn’t run five miles a day is easier than narrowing down who should. If you’re interested in improving your fitness levels, burning calories, and challenging yourself, you should run 5 miles a day.

However, before you get started running five miles a day, you need to be comfortable doing the distance. If you’re used to running a shorter distance, you will need to gradually increase your mileage to get in the habit of doing this run daily.

Runners of different ages

How Long Does It Take To Run 5 Miles?

There is no right or wrong timeframe to run 5 miles. Some people will be able to complete the run in around half an hour, while others may need an hour and a half. There are several factors that go into how long it takes a person to run long distances.

  • Fitness level – if you’re physically fit, it will be easier for you to maintain a pace for this run.
  • Age – people between the age of 18 and 30 tend to have the fastest speeds.
  • Weight – heavier people have to work harder to move fast because they have more to carry. This can affect their speed.
  • Gender – hormones affect running speed. For this reason, men usually run faster.

Now that you have a better understanding of what affects your running speed, let’s take a look at how long it could take you to run 5 miles. If you know what your mile speed is, you can make an accurate prediction of how long it will take you to run 5 miles.

Average Time to Run 5 Miles Males

AgePace (min/mile)Time
16 – 249:3648:00
25 – 3410:0650:30
35 – 4410:1651:20
45 – 5410:3052:30
55 – 6412:3663:00
64 +13:4869:00

Average Time to Run 5 Miles Females

AgePace (min/mile)Time
16 – 2411:5459:30
25 – 3411:5959:55
35 – 4412:0960:45
45 – 5412:5464:30
55 – 6413:5469:30
64 +16:1281:00

It’s important to remember your 1-mile time may differ from your 5 miles time. If you’re able to complete a mile in 7 minutes, you may not be able to hold the same pace for the entire 5 miles when you first start practicing. The average runner takes 45 to 50 minutes to complete this run. Beginners shouldn’t expect to reach this time right away.

The Benefits Of Running 5 Miles A Day

Running 5 miles a day has a lot of great benefits for your body and mind. As long as you’re ready to take this next step in your fitness journey, you can enjoy the benefits. Let’s take a look at what they are.

1. Improved Endurance

One thing to know about running is that it doesn’t build muscle. However, running does keep muscles strong and in good shape. When you run a 5-mile distance on a daily basis, you’re greatly improving your muscle endurance. This will help improve your performance in other activities.

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2. Weight Management

Is running 5 miles a day for weight loss effective? Yes, it is an excellent way to burn calories. If your goal is to maintain a healthy weight, you can benefit from this daily run. However, once you reach your ideal weight range, it’s important to make sure you’re eating enough calories and nutrients to keep you nourished. While running 5 miles daily is excellent for weight management, it can put runners at risk of becoming underweight if they don’t consume enough calories.

3. Cardiovascular Fitness

Running 5 miles per day can have positive effects on your cardiovascular health. This is basically how your body uses oxygen. When you have good cardiovascular health, your body can easily supply your blood, heart, and muscles with oxygen.

Man check pulse while running

4. Joint Health

Further research still needs to be done to prove a connection between runners and joint health. However, people that run regularly from a young age tend to have fewer risks of joint problems than people that have sedentary lifestyles.

When it comes to your joint health, your pace is important. If you push yourself to run too fast or too hard, it could have negative effects on your joint health.

5. Positive Effects On Mental Health

Running is an excellent way to release endorphins. This is a hormone that puts your mind in a good state. Many people have noticed positive effects on their mental health from running 5 miles daily. People who run daily tend to be in a better mood and can manage stress easier.

6. Sleep Better

The phrase “sleep like a baby” should be changed to “sleep like a runner”. Regular physical activity can help a person sleep better at night. Runners tend to fall asleep easier, get a night of deep sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed. They start every day off feeling great. What doesn’t sound good about this?

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7. Consistency

One of the best parts of committing to running 5 miles daily is that it helps you become consistent. This is an area where many runners fail. When people don’t have a goal to follow, it’s easy to fall off track. This can turn blowing off one workout to blowing off weeks of working out.

Runners that make a habit of going on daily 5 mile runs are more likely to hold themselves accountable. This is a great way to maintain consistent workout habits.

The Cons Of Running 5 Miles A Day

If you’re not ready to run for 5 miles a day, it’s not a good idea to push yourself. Running long distances does take practice and it’s not the right move for everyone. These are some of the cons of running 5 miles every day.

1. Risk of Overtraining

If your body isn’t ready to run 5 miles in a day, you are at risk of overtraining. This can happen to new runners that go too hard too soon. When this happens, they are at risk of fatigue and burnout.

It’s important to remember that 5 miles can be a demanding run for some runners. When you start, always maintain a slow pace and gradually increase it to avoid overtraining.

2. Higher Risk Of Injury

People that are prone to injuries could be at a higher risk from 5 mile runs. This challenge can put a lot of stress on your knees and legs. Many runners have experienced shin splints and knee injuries from demanding runs.

Shin splints and knee injuries from demanding runs

3. No Variety

If you were to look at a professional runner’s training plan, you will see a lot of variety. To make the most of your running training, it’s a good idea to include different types of running activities on different days. Doing this run daily means that after a while your body will get used to it.

Some runners will choose to run 5 miles only a few times a week. On the other days, they try sprinting, tempo runs, and other activities.

4. Puts Other Workouts On Hold

After running 5 miles, you likely won’t have the energy to participate in other workouts. Even if you do have the energy, your other life commitments may not leave room in your schedule. Cross-workouts are very important for your physical fitness, but you may not have time for them if all of your time is focused on distance runs.

Expert Tips to Start Running 5 Miles a Day

Are you ready to start running 5 miles each day? Let’s take a look at how you can get started.

1. Always Warm-Up

Make sure you perform a warm-up before you go on a 5-mile run. This will increase your body temperature and blood flow to prepare your muscles for the workout. It’s recommended to perform roughly 10 minutes of light to moderate-intensity running activities and joint warm-ups to get yourself ready for the run.

2. Always Cool Down

When you’re done, a cool down is necessary to regulate your blood flow and body temperature. This can include 10 to 15 minutes of light running and stretching. Don’t skip out on stretching because it’s an excellent way to improve recovery and prevent muscle soreness.

3. Maintain And Easy Pace

Don’t worry about how fast you can go. This is not a race, so it doesn’t matter when you cross the finish line. Keeping a slow pace at the beginning is a great way to get used to the distance and prevent exhaustion. You can gradually increase your pace as your body adapts to the run.

4. Try Intervals

On the same note, you don’t have to keep the same pace the entire time. Running in intervals is a great way to keep your running challenging without overdoing it. Try running for 30 seconds then doing a brisk walk or jogging for 30 seconds, and repeat. You can gradually increase the times of the intervals to 60 seconds and so on.

5. Gradually Increase Your Mileage

Was your first attempt at running 5 miles unsuccessful? Keep your head up! You will get there eventually. If you’re still a beginner, start off with a 3 mile run. As you become comfortable running this distance without stopping, gradually increase it. Before you know it, you will be completing 5 miles in a day.

6. Take Rest Days

Running 5 miles a day doesn’t mean every day of the week. Make sure you have at least 1 to 2 rest days in your schedule. These days are used for muscle recovery. Any activity you do should be slow-paced, such as yoga or light jogging.

How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Run 5 Miles A Day?

As mentioned above, you won’t be able to run 5 miles just like that. It does take practice and experience to be able to run this distance on a daily basis. However, it’s not an unrealistic goal. If you’ve been practicing, here are some ways to tell that you’re ready to make the 5-mile run a daily habit.

  • You’re not prone to injuries.
  • You can run comfortably without stopping for at least 35 to 45 minutes.
  • You have previously run 5 miles or further.


Is running 5 miles a day bad for you?

Running 5 miles a day has quite a few benefits for your body. It is only bad if you’re prone to injuries or if you’re over the age of 65. Overweight people may also be at a higher risk of injuries from 5 mile runs if they aren’t prepared.

Is running 5 miles enough to lose weight?

Running 5 miles is enough to lose weight. However, it’s important that you pair your running exercises with a healthy and well-balanced diet.

Is running 5 miles a day realistic?

Running 5 miles a day is realistic for most runners. In the beginning, it may take an hour or longer to complete. However, with more experience, you may be able to complete this run in less time. This run won’t take up a lot of time in your day.


Running 5 miles a day is a very attainable goal for most runners. Before you start running 5 miles daily, it’s important that your body is adapted to the distance. Always pace yourself for the run and build up your speed gradually. If you’re a new runner, you can reach your 5 miles goal by gradually increasing your distance.

Is your current goal to run 5 miles daily? Let us know how your experience is going in the comments below.

Also read:


  1. Physical Activity Is Good for the Mind and the Body // health.gov: https://health.gov/news/202112/physical-activity-good-mind-and-body
  2. Physical Activity Calorie Counter // ACE Fit: https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/tools-calculators/physical-activity-calorie-counter/
  3. Effects of Exercise Training on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Biomarkers of Cardiometabolic Health: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials // Journal of the American Heart Association: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.115.002014
  4. Shin splints: Symptoms and causes // Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/shin-splints/symptoms-causes/syc-20354105

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