
Average 2-Mile Run Time: 4 Ways + 4 Tips To Run Faster

Curious about the average 2-mile run time and how it differs across age groups? Knowing the average 2-mile run time by age can help you evaluate your running progress and determine if you’re meeting expectations. In this article, we explore the correlation between age and 2-mile run times, providing valuable insights to help you gauge your performance and set realistic goals.

how long does it take to run 2 miles?

The average 2-mile run time is typically between 12 and 17 minutes, depending on factors like age and fitness level. However, it’s essential to set personal goals based on individual capabilities and gradually improve over time.

How Far Is a 2-Mile Run?

When it comes to running, it’s important to understand distances so you can set goals, track progress, and plan your workouts effectively. Let’s explore how far 2 miles is and discuss different ways to measure this distance.

1. Kilometers

One mile is approximately equal to 1.609 kilometers. If we multiply 2 miles by 1.609, we get an approximate distance of 3.218 kilometers.

2. Steps

Calculating the number of steps needed to cover 2 miles during a run can be a bit more complex. This depends on various factors, including your stride length (which is the distance covered in one step). On average, a person’s stride length while running can range from 2.2 to 2.5 feet. Let’s assume an average stride length of 2.3 feet to simplify the calculation.

icon run

Pro Tip:

To find the number of steps needed for 2 miles, we first need to convert the stride length to miles. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, and two miles has 10,560 feet. Dividing that number by 2.3 feet per stride gives us approximately 4,59 steps.

icon run

Pro Tip:

To find the number of steps needed for 2 miles, we first need to convert the stride length to miles. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, and two miles has 10,560 feet. Dividing that number by 2.3 feet per stride gives us approximately 4,59 steps.

How Long Is an Average 2-mile Run Time?

Many runners wonder how long does it take to jog 2 miles? It’s important to consider various factors, such as gender, age, fitness level, and training experience when determining the answer.

In different groups, there are various standards used to assess physical fitness and endurance. For example, the United States military has its own standard for a 2-mile run as part of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), where the maximum score is typically achieved by completing the run in around 13 minutes. Similarly, law enforcement agencies often have their own standards, with a common requirement being around 15-16 minutes to complete a 1.5-2-mile run.

Military standard for a 2-mile run as part of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)

When it comes to the best 2-mile time, elite athletes and highly trained runners achieve exceptionally fast results. Elite male runners can finish a 2-mile run in less than 9 minutes, while elite female runners can do it in less than 10 minutes. Speeds like this require extraordinary physical prowess and devoted training.

Average 2-mile run time for beginner male is usually around 20-30 minutes, while intermediate runners, who have some training and improved fitness, can often complete the 2-mile run in approximately 15-20 minutes.

Average 2-Mile Run Time by Age and Experience Level for Females

The table below presents the average 2-mile run time by age for girls and women across different experience levels:


Average 2-Mile Run Time by Age and Experience Level For Males

The table below displays the average 2-mile run time by age for boys and men across various experience levels:


For those of you wondering how fast should I run 2 miles, remember that these average times are a general guideline for boys and men in different age groups and experience levels. Your training, fitness level, and natural dedication play significant roles in improving your 2 mile-run time. Regular practice, appropriate training programs, and gradual progression can help you achieve your desired goals.

Running Time Calculator: 2-Mile Run

This calculator can help you to determine the approximate time it takes to complete a 2-mile run, considering factors such as your gender, level of training, and age.

Running Time Calculator


4 Tips How to Run 2 Miles Fast

Running 2 miles can be a challenging distance, requiring both speed and endurance. Whether you’re aiming to improve your personal best or preparing for a race, here are some tips to help increase your 2-mile run time and prepare effectively.

1. Set Clear Goals and Create a Training Plan

Setting clear goals is essential when preparing to run 2 miles fast. Determine the specific time or pace you want to achieve for the race. Having a clear target in mind will keep you motivated and focused. Once you have set your goals, create a training plan that includes a mix of distance runs, speed workouts, and recovery days. Gradually increase your weekly mileage and incorporate interval training to improve your speed and stamina.

2. Focus on Speed Workouts

Speed training is crucial for enhancing your anaerobic capacity and quickening your overall pace. Interval training is one type of exercise in which you run quickly for a certain amount of time or distance before slowing down to a jog or walk to recuperate. Hill repetitions, where you quickly run up a hill and recuperate by jogging or walking back down, are also useful.

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3. Build Endurance with Long Runs

To improve your endurance for a 2-mile race, incorporating long runs into your training routine is essential. During these longer runs, gradually increase the distance over time to challenge your cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Aim for one or two longer runs each week, maintaining a comfortable pace that allows you to hold a conversation without excessive breathlessness.

4. Practice Race-Specific Strategies

In the days leading up to the race, it’s important to practice race-specific strategies to familiarize yourself with the course and build confidence. Visit the race location, if possible, and run a few practice miles on the course to identify any challenging sections and plan your race strategy accordingly. Experiment with different pacing strategies during your practice runs, such as starting with a slightly faster pace or maintaining a steady pace throughout.

Runner practice before the race 2 mile

4 Tips How to Improve Your 2-Mile Running Time

Running is a great cardiovascular exercise that helps build endurance and improve overall fitness. If you’re looking to enhance your performance and decrease your 2-mile run time, here are some tips to consider:

1. Build Strength

Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, specifically targeting your lower body. Squats, lunges, calf raises, and leg presses are great for strengthening leg muscles, which can enhance your running speed and efficiency. Additionally, core exercises like planks and Russian twists help improve stability and posture.

2. Focus on Running Form

Pay attention to your running form, as it greatly affects your speed and energy expenditure. Maintain an upright posture, with your head aligned with your spine. Relax your shoulders and swing your arms naturally. Land on the middle of your feet and avoid overstriding to prevent inefficiency and injuries.

3. Include Tempo Runs

Tempo runs are sustained efforts at a comfortably challenging pace. By running at this pace, you improve your body’s ability to handle lactic acid build-up and sustain a faster pace for longer periods. Start with one or two tempo runs per week and gradually increase the intensity and duration.

Enhance performance and decrease 2-mile run time

4. Remain Consistent and Patient

Improving your running time takes time and commitment. Stick to your training plan, stay dedicated to your goals, and be patient. Results won’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you’ll see gradual improvements. Celebrate the small victories and remember that persistence pays off in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions About Average 2-Mile Run Time

Is 2 miles in 15 minutes good?

Remember that the average time for 2-mile run female is around 15 minutes so running 2 miles in 15 minutes is generally regarded as a good two-mile time. It indicates a solid level of fitness and above-average speed.

What is a good 2-mile time for a 12-year-old-boy?

On average, boys in this age range complete a 2-mile run in approximately 16-18 minutes. It’s important to remember that individual capabilities and training levels can vary, so focusing on personal improvement and enjoyment of running is key.

Can you run 2 miles in 10 minutes?

Running 2 miles in 10 minutes is an impressive feat and generally falls within the realm of elite runners and highly trained athletes. Achieving such a time requires exceptional speed, endurance, and training.

Final Thoughts on Average 2-Mile Run Time

In summary, understanding the average 2-mile run time provides valuable insights into one’s fitness level and progress. Remember, the average 2-mile run time varies depending on factors like age, fitness level, and experience. Stay consistent with your training, gradually increase your pace, and strive to beat your personal records.

Also read:


  1. How fast/far did you run? // Running Level: https://runninglevel.com/?utm_source=strengthlevel&utm_medium=calculator&utm_campaign=launch
  2. The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT): a review of the literature // PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2498771/
  3. What is a good 2 mile run time? // Running Level: https://runninglevel.com/running-times/2-mile-times
  4. Contact to Nature Benefits Health: Mixed Effectiveness of Different Mechanisms // MDPI: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/15/1/31
  5. THE EFFECTS OF AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC TRAINING ON AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC CAPACITY // The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science: https://doi.org/10.5505/jiasscience.2018.68077
  6. Strength and Resistance Training Exercise // Heart Attack, Stroke and Cardiac Arrest Symptoms: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/fitness-basics/strength-and-resistance-training-exercise

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